

Garden Tea Room

Garden Tea Room

The structure is a small garden pavilion made almost entirely out of timber. It is located inside a large private garden that is open to neighbours and invited guests for specific social and educational events. Primarily, it functions as a space for the owner to enjoy the garden and for socializing with friends and neighbours. In addition to private enjoyment and informal socializing, the space is intended to be used for educational workshops for woman in the neighbourhood and for playful, hands-on education of young children.

The idea was to insert a contemporary structure inside an open space that presents itself as a hard backdrop, due in part to the flat textures and colours of the existing materials. The project is part of a current preoccupation in our practice with introducing and experimenting with materials and construction techniques that are not familiar locally. Our aim was not just to use such timber just for the sake of it, but to build in a relatively short time from a workshop and leave possibility for disassembling and for reuse in future. The structure is made of a series of timber frames that expressed structurally as envelope. The facade on all our sides consists of a chequered pattern of ply and tinted mirrored panels. The upper section of the structure, which is cantilevered to form canopy over two entrances is lined inside with polycarbonate, in order to express is as separate material element. The short sides are partially open; allowing for a breeze to cool the interior and function as entrances. The structure is raised off the ground to avoid damage from storm water. The tinted panels enable one to enjoy the garden while being afforded privacy when inside the space.



Completed Year




Completed Year